
Personal Information

Name: El Sayed Jumaa Salam (AKA: Sayed Jumaa)
DOB: February 7, 1970, Mansoura, Egypt
Driver’s License: 7VPG749, California
Title: Imam
Organization: Islamic Center of Reseda (ICR) – AKA: Masjid Reseda
Address: 16636 Gilmore St, Van Nuys, CA 91406 (Home)
Address: 18206 Victory Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91335 (Work)
Phone: (818) 605-4686, Sayed Jumaa, PhD, Fraud Management
Phone: (818) 822-8422, Aref Abedi, PhD, Corruption Management

The Story

Pathological liar, who is polygamous con-artist preacher with fake degrees. He plagiarized-authorized as many as 67 books & touched as many as 14 women for exorcism, and he is still holy man of God. His main job is to cover back of the his boss. Who is corrupt himself for stealing one-third donation money every week. If you any complain, they play good cop and bad cop.

The whole story is summarized in the first 4 websites. The last one is just his fake university.

Los Angeles Media

Board of Directors
Exposing Fake Degrees for Imams
Phone: (424) MOSQUES